Less gobbledegeek and more human-speak for Perth’s IT support gurus.

Client: Office Solutions IT

Situation: After our copywriters worked with the Office Solutions IT team in Perth to nail down the value propositions and messaging for their growing business, we worked on a host of marketing copy, from online ads to brochures.

Then it was time to turn our attention to the company’s website.

Deliverables: Like the messaging platform we developed for Office Solutions IT, the new website needed to avoid the usual IT jargon and tell the Office Solutions story in plain English, eschewing the usual technical mumbo jumbo in favour of words that turn the benefits of the team’s services into tangible value propositions.

As usual, we sat down with our client and put a plan together.

Read our digital copywriters' website content.

Read our digital copywriters' website content.

“Paul writes eloquently what we’re trying to say but can’t quite put down on paper. He’s great to work with and provides a fantastic service. What more can I say? Paul just gets us.”
James Sutton, Managing Director, Office Solutions IT

Result: The new website looks refreshingly clean and simple, much like the content our website copywriters developed for the core site. Check it out.

Need help giving your messaging a razor-sharp edge? Want to tell your brand’s story online? Read more about our message design experience and check out some of our other website copywriting projects for inspiration, or just get in touch with our copywriters and get the ball rolling.