Client: Eon Environmental (part of Eon Group Australia)
Situation: With Aboriginal-owned Eon Group growing fast and diversifying its portfolio of industrial services and solutions companies, we were asked (by our friends at Luminosity) to develop a mini launch and positioning campaign for Eon Environmental, the group’s renewable energy business. This included writing web content for an interim single-page website.
Brief: Develop a tagline and website content to enable Eon Environmental to conduct a soft launch and approach potential clients and partners in the interim (a full website and marketing suite are planned for the near future).
Deliverables: Having worked with Eon Group before, our freelance copywriters were primed and ready to go when the brief came in.
We started by developing a tagline (‘Time to think differently’) for the new business, that immediately helped position Eon Environmental as a pioneering force in Australia’s industrial energy market.
“Time to think differently”
We then developed website content, albeit for a simple scrolling single-page site – a tough challenge when Eon Environmental has so much to say about the future of industrial energy generation in Australia.
“I love it. Well done!”
Result: Time was of the essence, so we turned the tagline and website copywriting project around in double-quick time, nailing the tagline first time, and with only the most minor adjustments required on the website content.